Diwali, the Hindu festival which is also known as the festival of lights, is round the corner and everyone is in high spirits to celebrate it. The preparations for Diwali start from cleaning the house and decorating it beautifully. Welcoming guests and exchanging sweets and dry fruits have been an age old ritual. According to the Hindu mythology, Diwali is celebrated to cherish the victory of good over evil.
Here are a few tips you could adapt this Diwali and make it healthier, cleaner and safer.
1. Clean your home carefully
The first thing that's done when Diwali is nearing is cleaning the house properly. We gather the courage and energy to clean and wipe every nook and corner of the house which remains untouched, covered with dirt, dust and cobwebs through the year. Make the most of this, clean your house properly using disinfectants in order to kill all the germs and microbes and keep any sort of infection and sickness at bay. Don't forget to have yourself a hot shower once done with this task.
2.Try avoiding crackers
This might be difficult for most of us to follow, but there are health and environmental reasons behind reducing or avoiding blasting crackers. The smoke generated by the firecrackers is harmful to all age groups ranging from kids to old people, especially those suffering from breathing problems. It generates noise pollution and pollutes the environment with smoke and cracker debris.
3. Keep the first aid box handy!
There are chances of anybody getting burnt or hurt accidentally while bursting crackers. People suffering from asthma and other breathing ailments, too, remain prone to the danger of suffering from an attack anytime, hence their inhalers and important medicines should be kept nearby in order to prevent any emergency. Also, equip the first aid box with burn creams, eye drops, bandages. Keep an ice pack in the refrigerator too in case somebody gets severe burns.
4. Be high on spirits, not alcohol
Drinks are a must on celebrations for those who have them but make sure you don't over drink. Consume alcohols in moderation in order to prevent any accidents or mishaps from happening. Also, don't drive after drinking, as it would risk your life along with others around you. Stay away from places where crackers are being blasted if you are highly intoxicated, as your reaction rate to run away from lit crackers would be slower than usual and you will be more accident prone.
5. Switch to sugar-free sweets, avoid raisins if you are diabetic
Try eating very less sugary sweets or switch to sugar-free or sugarless sweets to keep your blood sugar under control. Do not eat the silver foil you find on the sweets, as it can be adulterated and made of aluminium instead, which is injurious to your health. This tip is especially for all the diabetics, you can even have more of dry fruits instead of sweets. Make sure you don't consume too many raisins if you suffer from diabetes as they raise sugar levels drastically!