Dear KJo, first of all, a big thanks to you. Back in 2004, when celebrities were just restricted to our TV screens and big screens, you not only brought them into our daily lives with 'Koffee with Karan' but also gave us an insight into that controversial and candid angle of their lives, which we had never seen them talk about before.
First, you made them comfortable and unguarded on your couch. Subsequently you drilled right into their personal space. Slip-of-tongue, accidental confessions, catfights and the unintentional gossip; everything was new for us and with a hand on our heart, we loved every bit of it.
In an era where there was no social media or in-your-face film promotions, to see the stars we celebrated and idolised all our lives, opening up about their bedroom secrets was unexpected and surprising.
However, 15 years down the line while the Indian audience has matured, unfortunately, your show still hasn't. And while everything – from your studio, sets, lights, couch to even your coffee mugs have changed, something which hasn't - are your frivolous questions. Now, a sincere request from an Indian audience, would you please stop doing these 5 things on your show?
The nepotism and LGBTQ debate: Please don't resort to trivialising big issues and bigger debates like LGBTQ rights, nepotism, pay disparity to race ahead in the television ratings. These are the topics which need serious discussion and you mentioning them on your show, which is totally not in accordance with the nature of KwK, seems nothing less than a gimmick.
- Question on sex and dating lives: It's not 2004, anymore. Sex and dating are not topics people hesitate to talk about. The questions you ask the celebrities and the answers you get are, more often than not, crass and distasteful. We don't really need to know often celebrities shower together, or did they do it inside a car or in a "kheth" or who fell off the bed while doing it. These questions are passé and seriously need some moving on.
Don't make it another film promotional show: We already get enough of that – celebrities bombarding all shows and mediums to promote their films. We don't need to see that on your show. Don't make it another Kapil Sharma show.
Frivolous questions: Now, we don't want your show to turn into a television news show either. But some restraint and removal of a few undignified questions would be much, much better.
Don't lose yourself: Where is the Karan Johar who laughed silly, danced, made fun of himself and was always cordial to everyone? Where is that honesty in your approach towards the show disappearing? Don't lose yourself amidst the 'Stop making sense' logo. We somehow are not too fond of this KJO 2.0. Please bring back the old Karan Johar we loved.