The British Prime Minister David Cameron has condemned an Islamic State (Isis) propaganda video which apparently shows Daesh militants executing men they accuse of spying for Britain as desperate stuff and pledged Britain would not be cowed by the Jihadi group.

The 10-minute-long video, which addresses the Prime Minister in person, features two IS members with British accents. One of them is a small child.

Cameron said the video was a sign of the pressure being exerted on IS (Daesh) by the UK and its allies which are fighting the group in Iraq and Syria. He said the video came as a result of the group losing territory and increasingly losing anybodys sympathy.

The Isis propaganda video made specific reference to Britains military intervention in the Middle East and mocked the Prime Minister.

How strange it is that the leader of a small island threatens us with a handful of planes. One would have thought you would have learned the lessons of your pathetic master in Washington and his failed campaign against Islamic State, the masked Jihadi, who is yet to be identified, says to camera in the short film.

It seems that you, just like your predecessors Blair and Brown, are just as arrogant and foolish. David, only a fool would wage war against a land where the law of Allah reigns supreme.

British intelligence officers are in the process of examining an Islamic State (Isis) video to try and identify the individuals shown in it. A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office told IBTimes UK that officials were aware of the video.

Daeshs earliest propaganda prominently featured British militant Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed Jihadi John. Emwazi carried out the executions of journalists and James Foley and Steven Sotloff as well as British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning. He was killed by a US air strike just a day before the Paris Terror attacks, which left 130 civilians dead.