Darshan case

The leak of alleged pictures showing Darshan Thoogudeepa, a Kannada superstar enjoying privileged incarceration in jail has caused an uproar. In one widely circulated photograph, the superstar is smoking casually with Nagaraj (Wilson Garden Naga), who is a well-known criminal on the prison field.

The actor and another gangster Siddapura Mahesh murderer called Naga are also serving under the Karnataka Control of Organized Crime Act 2000 together.

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Darshan was caught in a video call which seemed to be casual but it was shot from his jail cell. He waves cheerfully to someone at the opposite end of this brief 25-second video clip, dressed in yellow T-shirt as if he is not an inmate of a high-security prison. Both the video and photo raise some very controversial issues about the conduct of prison officials and allegations of VIP treatment for the actor involved.

The government has acted swiftly in response to the controversy. Darshan was caught smoking and enjoying a cup of tea with fellow prisoners, some of whom were notorious criminals, as revealed in the photo that was released. This, however, is not new since there have been several such controversies involving VIP treatment in Indian prisons, like alleged preferential treatment given to AIADMK leader Sasikala while she was serving her sentence.

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Darshan who allegedly killed Renukaswamy, aged 33, his fan has been in judicial custody for the case since June 22 with 11 accomplices. The murder came about because of an altercation that took place at a garage involving Renukaswamy, whom Darshan and his cohorts accused of having sent derogatory messages to actress Pavitra Gowda, who is said to be Darshan's girlfriend. This led to an escalation of the confrontation, ending up with death of Renukaswamy.

Renukaswamy's father, Kashinath Shivannagoudar, is very unhappy about this prison treatment. He wanted a CBI investigation: "Although we have faith in the state police, it is disheartening to know that killers are enjoying themselves and they should be investigated by CBI."

In addition to bringing Darshan's actions into question, the recent images and films from inside Indian prisons have also exposed continuing problems about the treatment of high-profile prisoners in India.