Curiosity rover
This 360-degree panorama was taken by NASA's Curiosity rover at its location on Vera Rubin Ridge on MarsNASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

The Opportunity rover might be in hibernation in Mars due to a violent dust storm; its sister rover Curiosity is working around. This nuclear-powered Mars rover didn't really take a long nap during the dust storm and just sent back some amazing pictures of some Martian rocks. Also, it took an incredible 360-degree selfie on the Red Planet and send back to Earth.

"The panorama includes umber skies, darkened by a fading global dust storm. It also includes a rare view by the Mast Camera of the rover itself, revealing a thin layer of dust on Curiosity's deck. In the foreground is the rover's most recent drill target, named "Stoer" after a town in Scotland near where important discoveries about early life on Earth were made in lakebed sediments," stated NASA in its blog post while describing the photo.

The image shows how harsh the condition is, at this point, on the Red Planet due to the brutal dust storm.

However, the skies look clearer and brighter than it was a few weeks back when the planet's dust storm was raging with its full gusto.

The rock, which the team of Curiosity scientists sampled, was quite a big win for the team. According to the American space agency, the previous two rock samples that the rover had found out were too hard to drill. However, the scientists were successful this time.