Avengers Endgame
Avengers Endgame opens on April 26, 2019Marvel Studios

Avengers: Endgame is a few months away from its official release but the upcoming MCU movie has already created a lot of hype among fans. With the recently released teaser trailer, fans from around the world are trying to dissect each and every scene. At the same time, each scene from the teaser trailer is giving birth to a new fan theory. Most recently, a theory about Ant-Man and Thanos' decimation surfaced and now everyone is assuming that no superhero actually died in Avengers: Infinity War.

In the released Avengers: Endgame teaser, fans finally got to see Scott Lang/Ant-Man, knocking at the Avengers' headquarters. The superhero was missing from Avengers: Infinity War and seeing him in the teaser trailer was a treat to an eye. After his appearance, fans started to discuss how Ant-Man managed to escape from the quantum realm. At the same time, many are now confirmed that his appearance signifies that the upcoming Marvel movie will have some sort of time travel or Avengers will have to deal with the quantum realm.

However, as per one Marvel fan, Scott Lang's appearance in Endgame teaser trailer is more about Thanos than time travel or quantum realm. As per a Redditor, joethehamface, when Thanos got his hands on all the six infinity stones, he did not kill half the universe. Instead, he managed to send all of them to an alternate reality where everyone has equal resources.

Ant-Man escaped quantum realmAnt-Man/Facebook

As per this theory, when the heroes like Doctor strange, Peter Parker, T'Challa, and Groot "dusted" in Avengers: Infinity War, they simply went to a different reality where they are trying their best to come back to this original reality. At the same time, survivors like Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Thor, will try to find a way to bring back their supposed "dead" friends.

If this theory holds any truth, then Ant-Man is surely going to be the key to defeating Thanos for good. The theory went on to suggest that since Scott Lang was in the quantum realm, he was unaffected by Thanos' decimation.

Check out the theory in its entirety:

As of now, there are several other theories on Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel. Fans will have to wait for some more time to know more details about Avengers: Endgame. The film is scheduled to release worldwide in April 2019.