Alleged UFO spotted in CanadaFacebook

A mysterious unidentified flying object sighting (UFO) witnessed by a Canadian couple has once again triggered an alien debate on online spaces. 

According to media reports, the incident happened on the night of May 14, when Justin Stevenson and his wife, Danielle Daniels-Stevenson spotted glowing orbs in the sky as they were driving through Fort Alexander. 

Alien debate continues

Stevenson soon captured the mysterious sighting on his camera, and he uploaded it on his social media platforms. 

The video uploaded by Stevenson soon went viral, and it made many people think that alien existence on earth could be real. 

"Yo, I think we're seeing some aliens," Stevenson was heard saying in the clip. 

Later, Stevenson talked to Kennedy News and Media, where he said that the sighting resembled visuals from a sci-fi flick. 

"It felt like we were in a sci-fi movie. They were super bright like a fire in the sky. I was skeptical before I saw this, but now this has given me the proof I need that there's something out there other than humans," said Stevenson. 

Even though the clip has convinced alien buffs, sceptics claim that these lights have nothing to do with extraterrestrial existence. According to them, these lights could be coming from helicopters, drones, or flares obscured by clouds. 

Psychic talks about aliens

In June, Uri Geller, a self-styled psychic and British illusionist said that aliens on earth are real, and that these advanced aliens could help Israel during the Hamas war. 

According to Geller, extraterrestrials built the Beit Hamikdash, the ancient Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, from biblical times, and those aliens may even intervene in the war on Israel's behalf, Daily Star reported. 

A few years back, Haim Eshed, a former Israeli space security chief had also assured the presence of aliens on earth. 

According to Eshed, an advanced alien species has been closely working with world powers like the United States and Israel for several years. 

Eshed also claimed that there is a secretive underground base on Mars, where representatives of humans and aliens meet together.