Marvel Cinematic Universe has already panned out the schedule and release dates of all its movies till 2020, buts its competitor in the book and TV show worlds is also stepping into the ring soon.
"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hold Easter eggs as to what can be expected from upcoming DC movies, starting with "Suicide Squad".
The Marvel vs DC war – at least for fans – has been going on for a long time now; what will set the Cinematic Universes of these adversaries apart? Ben Affleck, who plays Batman in DC's "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice", seems to think it will be the humour element.
"It [DC Universe] is mоrе mythiс, it is mоrе grаnd in thаt wаy, аnd it is а little more rеаlistiс...Just by thеir nаturе, thеsе films саn't bе аs funny оr аs quiсk аnd аs glib аs Mаrvеl mоviеs," Affleck was quoted as saying by IB Times UK edition.
Zack Snyder, director of many DC movies, including the one in which Affleck stars, agreed with Affleck.
"There are other superhero movies where they joke about how basically no one's getting hurt," says Snyder. "That's not us. What is that message? That's it's okay that there's this massive destruction with zero consequence for anyone?" Snyder told EW.
Affleck is also with Snyder that every man's actions have consequences, whether he is a hero or a villain. "One of the things I liked was Zack's idea of showing accountability and the consequences of violence and seeing that there are real people in those buildings," he said.
Watch "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" in theatres on 25 March, 2016.