On June 25, the Pentagon released its much-anticipated UFO report that detailed information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). In the report, the defense department neither admitted nor denied the involvement of alleged aliens behind these flying object sightings. As the UFO mystery continues, several people strongly claimed that the Pentagon has not revealed all the available details in the report, and they argued that the government is covering up facts about alien existence. And now, a Pew Research Center Poll has suggested that a majority of Americans believe in the existence of aliens. 

Americans believe in the presence of aliens

During the survey, researchers collected answers from more than 10,400 people, and they were asked about the existence of aliens, and the alleged presence of aliens on planet earth. Surprisingly, 65 percent of the participants claimed that alien life may be existing in other nooks of the planet. 

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34 percent of the participants claimed that earth could be the only planet where life exists, while a meager two percent refused to answer the question. 

Are UFO sightings proof of alien life? 

The survey also asked the participants whether UFO sightings are proof of alien life. 51 percent of the participants affirmed that UFO sightings that include the infamous Nimitz UFO encounter are proof of alien existence. 40 percent said ''probably'', while 11 percent said ''definitely.'' 

However, 47 percent of the people who took part in the survey disagreed with these thoughts. 36 percent said, ''probably not'', while 11 percent said ''definitely not.'' 

10 percent of the participants claimed that these flying objects pose a threat to national security. However, 51 percent said that it is not a threat, while 36 percent consider UAP as a minor threat. 17 percent of the participants suggested that these UFOs could be friendly, while seven percent claimed that they could be hostile. The survey also noted that young Americans believe in UFOs and aliens when compared to older adults.