A mysterious creature was shot dead near a Montana farm earlier this week, and people believe that the dead monster is actually the bigfoot, a monstrous entity often depicted in local folklore.
Sgt Kyle Andersen, the warden of the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department reveals that the wolf-like creature was initially spotted by a woman on the borders of her land. The creature was standing very close to her livestock, and it compelled her to seek help. She soon reported the sighting, and two men were deployed to help her. Once the creature approached the livestock, they shot down the creature, Daily Star reports.
After shooting the monster down, the landowner was shocked to see the overwhelming size and long fur of the creature, which is something unusual for a canine. A photo of the creature revealed that it has very big teeth and shaggy brown fur.
The dead body of the creature was later taken to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks lab. A DNA test is underway to determine the exact species of this animal. Due to its gigantic size and appearance, experts believe that this creature might be either the cross of a dog and wolf or not a wolf at all.
Wolves are very common in the United States and killing them to protect the livestock is legal in the country, but this loophole has often led to a considerable decrease in the wolf population. In Montana, Grey Wolf Program is underway to protect the wolves from extinction.
The report about the bigfoot death came just days after an IT employee in Gloucester spotted Loch Ness monster in a lake. It should be noted that Loch Ness monster is also a mythical creature mentioned in folklore, and there are no authentic proofs over its existence.