"Absolute Duo," the anime series that aired on Tokyo MX in early 2015, is yet to get renewed for Season 2, but if the fans' demands are anything to go by, new episodes for the show are not too far away. However, it is quite disheartening that although a year has passed since the Season 1 finale, there is no confirmation regarding a new season.
As fans know, Tor and Julia, the protagonists of the anime, are both students of the prestigious Koryo Academy, which teaches students martial arts. The disciples are also trained on wielding an internal weapon called Blaze, which has the power to materialise souls.
Tor hopes to use the Blaze to become a peacekeeper and unlike the rest of his peers, he has the ability to use the Blaze only as a shield. Due to this, he gets assigned a partner named Julia, a princess from Scandinavia whose weapon is a sword. She is also said to possess unlimited power, and when the two of them fight together, Tor and Julia become the "Absolute Duo."
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Both these warriors have tragic pasts and it is to overcome that they joined the academy. Towards the end of the previous season, Tor learned that the person that killed his beloved younger sister Otoha is the same that killed everyone in Julia's family. The finale episode of the season had also seen the "Absolute Duo" renewing their vows as duo partners.
It is clear that their story is incomplete and fans are impatient to see the duo get their revenge. Below, find some of the comments fans have been leaving on various sites regarding "Absolute Duo."
Via Disqus:
Diamonddragonslayer: this anime was-no IS awesome. It needs a season 2. If there is no season 2, the producers of this anime will know the wrath of a dragonslayer and probably lots of other anime watchers. [sic]
Eli Satlsman: In my opinion it was pretty good. There were some anime cliches obviously, and the ending was not my favourite. But the blaze thing, it was different in some ways, i've never seen this same thing done before like this. I liked the whole revenge thing, even though i've seen it many times before. But, i do want a 2nd season because it was practically begging for one with the ending. Not one of my least faves. [sic]
Via When-will.net
Raven: I really hope they get renewed for a second season. The first season was great!
Nich13: I really hope it will get season 2 aired on 2016 [sic]
Blaze Aurorazz: I'm not even done with season 1, but I need a second season!
Do you think #AbsoluteDuo deserves Season 2?
— IBTimes India(Ent) (@ibt_india_ent) March 18, 2016