How to Stay Awake when Driving, night driving, sleeping while driving
Sleeping while drivingLITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE

Taking charge of the wheels on a late night/early morning/long drive can be real fun. However, if you haven't got enough shut-eye before you venture out, things might take a turn for the worst. Sleep is a strong biological craving- high on the Maslow hierarchy- and fighting it can get the better of even the most experienced drivers.

So what are the tell-tell signs to watch out for and most importantly, how do we keep a drowsy mind alert to protect ourselves from the dangers of the road?

Firstly, we must have the presence of mind to take right decisions and judgements while on the road. Many lives are lost and many are maimed for life in road accidents, especially during the night time. The sleep monster could rear its ugly head and take our brains captive without us realising. Drunk driving, carelessness and several other factors also contribute to road accidents.

Here are a few tricks to help you stay awake when you are behind the wheels.

Safety first!

If you are feeling drowsy, it's best to avoid driving. Driving is a complex exercise that calls for many quick and split second decisions. Hence, a clear mind and adequate sleep are a prerequisite for a safe journey. 

Early nap before drive

We should try and get optimal sleep before taking to the wheels. But if you can't manage a good night's sleep, take a short nap before you hit the road. Brain should get proper rest lest it will meddle with your judgement.

How to Stay Awake when Driving, night driving, sleeping while driving
How to Stay Awake when DrivingReuters

Mid drive nap

You are already on the road and you can't focus, you blink a lot or keep yawning, or have heavy eyelids and keep rubbing your eyes, then a mid drive nap is just what you needed.

Do you keep missing the exits or traffic signs? If yes, take the cue. Keep in mind, it is better late than never. When you feel drowsy, pull over and take a short nap. Remember to park the vehicle at a safe place and take that all-important 20 minutes nap. 

Buddy system

There is nothing like having a buddy riding shotgun. Take a partner while going for overnight drives. He/she will keep you company and can also switch seats with you when you get tired.

Music is your friend

Yes, music can be a good companion on long journeys. But not the kind of music that will lull you to sleep or send your mind wandering. Make sure you have the beats which can get under your nerves (preferably the tunes from the neighbours' parties) in your playlist. Now turn up the decibels and you are set to go.

Caffeine intake

Studies suggest caffeine can keep you awake. Double your intake of caffeine when driving. But remember the effects can wear off after several hours. So carry additional helpings.

Before we sign off, let us remind you the cardinal rules of driving. Do not drink and drive, avoid road rages, and if possible desist from driving between midnight and early morning. Happy driving!

