"Pokemon Go" is the latest sensation in mobile gaming that has taken the world by surprise while also triggering frenzy among players.
The game makes use of the camera, thanks to the Augmented Reality, to reveal virtual Pokemon that has to be caught and later trained and levelled up. Pokemon can also be transferred and players can control Gyms, which will change the things for the Pokemon Trainer.
Read: 37 tips to become master Trainer I Tips to earn PokeCoins quickly
Players can hunt Pokemon that are low-level to rare Pokemon. Pokemon types like Grass, Poison, Fire, Flying, Water, Bug, Fighting, Normal Pokemon are also part of it.
At the start of the game, Professor Willow would be giving out the digital encyclopedia, PokeDex. But players will have to register them to see how many of these Pokemon are there.
Currently, various reports have indicated that players have found 133 of the total 151 Pokemon. Here is the full list of Pokemon in "Pokemon Go" PokeDex (Gamepur):
- Bulbasaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Ivysaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Venusaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Charmander (Type: Fire)
- Charmeleon (Type: Fire)
- Charizard (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
- Squirtle (Type: Water)
- Wartortle (Type: Water)
- Blastoise (Type: Water)
- Caterpie (Type: Bug)
- Metapod (Type: Bug)
- Butterfree (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
- Weedle (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Kakuna (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Beedrill (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Pidgey (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Pidgeotto (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Pidgeot (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Rattata (Type: Normal)
- Raticate (Type: Normal)
- Spearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Fearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Ekans (Type: Poison)
- Arbok (Type: Poison)
- Pikachu (Type: Electric)
- Raichu (Type: Electric)
- Sandshrew (Type: Ground)
- Sandslash (Type: Ground)
- Nidoran? (Type: Poison)
- Nidorina (Type: Poison)
- Nidoqueen (Type: Poison)
- Nidoran? (Type: Poison)
- Nidorino (Type: Poison)
- Nidoking (Type: Poison)
- Clefairy (Type: Fairy)
- Clefable (Type: Fairy)
- Vulpix (Type: Fire)
- Ninetales (Type: Fire)
- Jigglypuff (Type: Normal)
- Wigglytuff (Type1: Normal, Type2: Fairy)
- Zubat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
- Golbat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
- Oddish (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Gloom (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Vileplume (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Paras (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
- Parasect (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
- Venonat (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Venomoth (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
- Diglett (Type: Ground)
- Dugtrio (Type: Ground)
- Meowth (Type: Normal)
- Persian (Type: Normal)
- Psyduck (Type: Water)
- Golduck (Type: Water)
- Mankey (Type: Fighting)
- Primeape (Type: Fighting)
- Growlithe (Type: Fire)
- Arcanine (Type: Fire)
- Poliwag (Type: Water)
- Poliwhirl (Type: Water)
- Poliwrath (Type1: Water, Type2: Fighting)
- Abra (Type: Psychic)
- Kadabra (Type: Psychic)
- Alakazam (Type: Psychic)
- Machop (Type: Fighting)
- Machoke (Type: Fighting)
- Machamp (Type: Fighting)
- Bellsprout (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Weepinbell (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Victreebel (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
- Tentacool (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
- Tentacruel (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
- Geodude (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Graveler (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Golem (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Ponyta (Type: Fire)
- Rapidash (Type: Fire)
- Slowpoke (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Slowbro (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Magnemite (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
- Magneton (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
- Farfetch'd (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Doduo (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Dodrio (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
- Seel (Type: Water)
- Dewgong (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Grimer (Type: Poison)
- Muk (Type: Poison)
- Shellder (Type: Water)
- Cloyster (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Gastly (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Haunter (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Gengar (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
- Onix (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
- Drowzee (Type: Psychic)
- Hypno (Type: Psychic)
- Krabby (Type: Water)
- Kingler (Type: Water)
- Voltorb (Type: Electric)
- Electrode (Type: Electric)
- Exeggcute (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
- Exeggutor (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
- Cubone (Type: Ground)
- Marowak (Type: Ground)
- Hitmonlee (Type: Fighting)
- Hitmonchan (Type: Fighting)
- Lickitung (Type: Normal)
- Koffing (Type: Poison)
- Weezing (Type: Poison)
- Rhyhorn (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
- Rhydon (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
- Chansey (Type: Normal)
- Tangela (Type: Grass)
- Kangaskhan (Type: Normal)
- Horsea (Type: Water)
- Seadra (Type: Water)
- Goldeen (Type: Water)
- Seaking (Type: Water)
- Staryu (Type: Water)
- Starmie (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
- Mr. Mime (Type1: Psychic, Type2: Fairy)
- Scyther (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
- Jynx (Type1: Ice, Type2: Psychic)
- Electabuzz (Type: Electric)
- Magmar (Type: Fire)
- Pinsir (Type: Bug)
- Tauros (Type: Normal)
- Magikarp (Type: Water)
- Gyarados (Type1: Water, Type2: Flying)
- Lapras (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
- Ditto (Type: Normal)
- Eevee (Type: Normal)
- Vaporeon (Type: Water)
- Jolteon (Type: Electric)
- Flareon (Type: Fire)
- Porygon (Type: Normal)
- Omanyte (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Omastar (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Kabuto (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Kabutops (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
- Aerodactyl (Type1: Rock, Type2: Flying)
- Snorlax (Type: Normal)
- Articuno (Type1: Ice, Type2: Flying)
- Zapdos (Type1: Electric, Type2: Flying)
- Moltres (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
- Dratini (Type: Dragon)
- Dragonair (Type: Dragon)
- Dragonite (Type1: Dragon, Type2: Flying)
- Mewtwo (Type: Psychic)
- Mew (Type: Psychic)